Never Too Early
It’s never too early to talk to your child about Jesus!
“And all the people would get up early in the morning to come to Him in the temple to listen to Him.”
I don’t know about you, but I’m a “night person”. Maybe it’s those 9 years I led and played in a rock band before I met Jesus; going to bed at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning.
My wife, on the other hand is a “morning person”. She rises well before me. After making herself a pot of tea, she opens her bible, and opens her heart to hear from Jesus.
She’s like the people we read about in the gospel of Luke who got up early to listen to what Jesus had to say.
“And all the people would get up early in the morning to come to Him in the temple to listen to Him” (Luke 21:38)
When it comes to raising godly children, we need to begin early!
From the moment they’re born, our children need to begin to hear the beautiful name of Jesus!
When they’re really little, we rock them to sleep with songs about him. When they’re a little older, we read bible stories to them.
Even before they’re born, we start praying for their salvation; because it’s never too early to bring your kids to Jesus, and Jesus to your kids.
The earlier your child gives his life to Jesus the better!
Oh, sure, we can get them to “pray a prayer”—I’m not saying we should push them or manipulate them.
But lately, I’ve noticed the opposite happening; some parents are shrinking back from talking about Jesus to their kids for fear they might be pushing their faith on their child,
Luke 18:15 says the people “were bringing even their babies to Him in order that he might touch them”
When the disciples tried to stop these parents from “bothering” Jesus, the Lord became indignant, saying: “Let the children come to me! And stop hindering them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these!” (Lk.18:16)
As a parent, we’re never to hinder our children from coming to Jesus; instead, we’re to “let them come to him!”
Just as these parents in Luke 18 did, we, too, should “bring our children to Him”.
It’s a privilege to lead our kids to Jesus early in their lives.
And when it comes to you, Mom and Dad, you too should “come to him early” as the people did in Jesus day.
Come to Him early in your day, early in your week, early in your life; the earlier the better!
Give Him the first part of every day, the first part of every week, and the first part of every dollar. And teach your kids to do the same!
Whether you’re a “night person” or a “morning person”, doesn’t really matter! Don’t make the mistake of waiting too long!
Come to Him early; and bring your kids to Him early
You’ll be glad you did. I guarantee it!