Your Children Are Your Legacy.
I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.
3 John 4

The Intentional Film Series
For quite some time it has been the dream of the Intentional Parents team to be able to invite anyone and everyone to learn how to raise the next generation of passionate Jesus followers. Though none of us claim to know it all— not even close!— this message has been the heartbeat of Phil and Diane’s calling for over four decades. Starting with very little understanding of how to pass a vibrant, compelling faith on to their children, they’ve now spent the better part of their lives listening, learning, researching, studying, and practicing what they teach in this series.

We created this film series to help parents in their God-given task of raising and making disciples of their children. Our hope is to give parents the tools we couldn’t find— yet so desperately needed— when we first set out to raise our own kids in the way of Jesus.

Film Series Overview
This series contains the answers they sought. It is filled with workable solutions Phil and Diane found when they prayed, searched for wisdom in the Scriptures, and then implemented these things as they raised their own kids.
Session One: Formulating the Plan
-Parental Roles
-Goals vs. Values
-A Life of Significant Impact
Session Two: The Foundation part 1
-A Heart of Obedience
-Tools for Discipline
-The Ten Year Rule
Session Three: The Foundation part 2
-Discipline vs. Punishment
-A Heart of Self Control
-Things We Wish We Had Done
Session Four: The Framing part 1
-Provoking Your Children To Anger
-The Box
-Character Development
Session Five: The Framing part 2
-Relationship Building
-Spiritual Training
-The 4/14 Window
Session Six: The Functional Systems part 1
-Four Things You Will Need
-Three Things Your Teenager Will Need
-Understanding How to Deal with Temptation
Session Seven: The Functional Systems part 2
-Three Secrets During the Teenager Years
-The Box Revisited
-How to Appeal
Session Eight: The Finish Work
-Ten Things You Want to See in Your Children
-Your Highest Priority
- A Theology of Suffering
Session Nine: The Front Door
-The Blessing
-The Prayer
-The Key

The Box

The Box Includes:
- A Copy of our book “Raising Passionate Jesus Followers”
- A note from us
- Film Series Notebook (to accompany the film series)
- Prayer Journal
- Group Discussion Guide
- Keychain
- Study Guide for the Book

How To Get It
The Digital Download Includes:
- The Entire Nine Session Film Series (over 6 hours of content)
- Digital Film Series Notebook Download
$150 + Shipping
The Digital Download & The Box Includes:
- A Copy of our book “Raising Passionate Jesus Followers”
- A note from us
- Film Series Notebook
- Prayer Journal
- Group Discussion Guide
- Keychain
- Study Guide for the Book
$80 + Shipping
Film Series Group Discussion Guide Includes:
- A quantity of 10 discussion guides

Will you join the generations of Jesus followers who have taken God’s words seriously— to intentionally make disciples of your own children, who in turn will make disciples of the next generation? Will you teach your sons and daughters to know Jesus intimately and follow Him faithfully? We hope The Intentional Film Series, Raising Passionate Jesus Followers, will help in what is your greatest calling.

Yes! Just choose “Digital Download” and enjoy!
Yes. You can enjoy the film series right away and the box will be mailed a few days after we receive the order.
That is great! Just have someone at your church reach out to us at and we will get all the content your church would need to run it.
Not Yet! If you live outside of the USA we are working on a solution for you. Stay tuned!
*Special Notes
A note to Pastors: Intentional works in, through, and with the local church. That said, we want to GIVE the Film Series to any church that wants to run it. If you are interested, please email
If you are a pastor and would like to purchase the Film Series + The Box as a gift to give to families in your church (for example, at a baby dedication), Intentional will provide you a discounted price. If interested, please email