A Letter to Fathers: Only I Can Be My Child's Father
“And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
The biblical instruction to bring up our sons and daughters in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” is given by God to dads. The word ‘fathers’ in Ephesians 6:4 (pater in Greek) means just that; a male parent.
But the truth is, it’s possible to be a male parent and not be a good father! Every little boy and every little girl needs more than a male parent.
They need a father who deeply loves them.
They need a dad who will be there for them, not just for a month or a year, but for their entire life.
During a break at one of our Intentional Parenting conferences a dad came up to me and said,
“When you were talking it hit me like a ton of bricks; only I can be my son’s father.”
He went on to say that other men could do a better job of coaching his son in sports, teaching him math, and a thousand other things.
But no one could be his little boy’s dad but him!
If you’re a dad reading this, may you never forget this truth.
It’s both a privilege and a pleasure to be your child’s father. No one else on planet earth receives this gift! Only you!
The Lord invites dads to bring their children up in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.” He wants us to show them what it looks like to follow the way of Jesus, and then raise them up to do the same.
If this sounds a bit intimidating, don’t forget the Lord won’t leave you alone and say, “Good luck”.
No, He’ll be right there giving you wisdom and helping you carry out your job all along the way if you simply ask Him!
You’ll never wake up one day and wish you’d spent less time with your son or daughter. You’ll wish you’d spent more!
“Only you can be your child’s father.
So do your job well!
Bring your kids up in the way of Jesus.
You’ll never regret it!”
In this together,
To all the dads: we honor YOU today and the special role you play in your kid's lives!