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A short guide to homeschooling




Educating our children is a great privilege and a sometimes daunting responsibility we carry as parents. Add a global pandemic, distance learning, working from home, or suddenly being thrown into homeschooling, and many of us are found wanting tools and resources to help us navigate this new territory. We put this resource together to help you through your journey, not as a step-by-step roadmap, but more like a few waypoints and shortcuts along the way.

Whether you are simply curious about how you might start your toddler's academic journey in the future, you are embarking on the homeschool route or you are well into the throes of homeschooling we hope this encourages you to continue in your God given task of raising passionate Jesus followers.



Elizabeth and Diane prepared two audio guides to help encourage you, remind you that you are not alone, and give you practical tools to apply in the everydays of homeschooling.



We’ve put together two resources for you, as mentioned in the audio guides, to aid you in your journey of homeschooling.

Child Goal Planner

We know that remembering our “why” is so important when homeschooling our children. We encourage you to fill out one of these for each of your children every school year and come back to it often. Ask the Spirit what He wants for your child this year and how you, as their parent, can partner with God to develop and grow your child in the coming months.


Daily Planner

As mentioned in Audio Guide #2, this is a planning tool you can use, if it is helpful, to plan out your weeks.



These are some resources we’ve found helpful and we think you will too! From books to help encourage your soul and teach you about education styles, to curriculum reviews and special needs homeschooling resources, these are a few of our go-to resources.

When the days feel long and patience is running thin, remember the God we serve is a deeply personal Father who is with you in every moment. He is with us in this unique season of homeschooling our children and He will never leave us or forsake us.

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